Spring Selections Picked Just for You!

Spring Selections Picked Just for You!

Spring Selections Picked Just for You!

Like a freshly picked bouquet of flowers, Asheville’s Local Office Experience Leader, Angelica has hand picked these selections just for you this Spring!

Like a freshly picked bouquet of flowers, Asheville’s Local Office Experience Leader, Angelica has hand picked these selections just for you this Spring! Along with a few tips to keep your Brown Haven Home feeling fresh when it comes to your selection appointment!

**Color** – Adding color to a space gives it life, the navy-blue back splash tiles and cabinet facings add the lively pop of color that Spring calls for!

**Organic Shape** – Adding organic shapes, like the scalloped back splash tile or any shape that differs from the normal rectangle/square, gives your space visual interest and an artistic flare.

**White & Bright** – We love a splash of color! But having at least one pop of white gives a clean, crisp look to any space.

**Ground the Design** – In any space that has a bold design element, make sure there are soft contrasting elements to ground the design. A great example of this is the like the light gray tile!

Whether you have a picture-perfect vision for your home in your head or you have a vague idea of what you want, our Local Office Experience Leaders are eager to help you select and design your beautiful Brown Haven Dream home!